
Why Retinols are the Best Products for Anti-Aging

photo credits: wisegeek.com

Out of all of the “anti-aging” ingredients available on the market today, retinols are the only ones scientifically shown to work on a molecular level. 

Retinol is the less-aggressive form of prescription-strength tretinoin and also has scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness. These creams are best started once every other night, a small amount used for the whole face. If too much is used, it increases irritation, not effectiveness. It’s important to use a moisturizer while the skin gets used to the retinol (usually takes about 2 weeks) as dryness can be a problem. Newer formulations of products have controlled delivery systems and special emollient ingredients to help reduce irritation. The use of a sunblock is mandatory in the morning because these products will make the skin slightly more sun sensitive. 

photo credits: huffingtonpost.com

Retinoids and retinols are best used at night because they are photo-inactivated, meaning direct sunlight will break them down and make them less effective. The most effective over-the-counter products contain 1% retinol (but no less than 0.5%).

There is no reason to be too aggressive at first because that may lead to excessive irritation and, many times, the person may stop using the cream (when all they really needed was a longer amount of time for their skin to get used to it). The best way to use retinol is by gradual introduction.

Remember the rule of thumb: "Slow and steady always wins the race" (not that it's a race, well sort of).

- The Oppidan Escape
post credits: http://bit.ly/1yMTnU6

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