
10 First World Makeup Problems That Everyone Can Relate To, According To Reddit

photo credit: jennifershultzstyle.com

Even though Reddit tends to be a bit of a boys’ club, you'll find yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with its community of makeup-obsessed ladies. Any time you’re searching for beauty advice (or just for someone to vent your lipstick-related frustrations to), r/makeupaddiction is the place to be. Today, they’re discussing their first world makeup problems. The whole thread is worth a read, but if you only have time for the highlights, here are 10 enjoyable posts you'd!

1. "That I only have one set of lips on my face."

This might be a confusing statement to people who enjoy having normal facial features, but everyone who collects lip products understands norimw’s pain. It’s hard to look at a drawer full of a hundred different lipsticks and know that you only get to wear one today.

2. "I have so much stuff I never hit pan on anything, and for liquids, they expire before I finish them."

It’s really hard having tons of products available to you at all times, okay? It’s like having a table full of Thanksgiving dinner and only being able to eat one little plate.

3. "All my brushes and sponges don’t clean themselves."

This feeling is something all women can relate to. Who has the time to be diligent about makeup hygiene? Even famous painters had interns sitting around to wash their brushes for them. We should all get interns.

4. "I have so many eyeshadows and I can’t figure out a look that requires more than three."

That’s when you start mixing all the colors together until you’re wearing about 50 layers of shadows that just end up looking brown. That’s what kids do with Easter egg dyes.

5. "My eyelashes are so long that they touch my brow bone. Sometimes they leave little flakes up there."

Mascara flakes are the worst. Other than that, though, it kinda gives people a hard time feeling bad for people whose lashes are naturally long and curly. Lucky bastards.

6. "I have too many pretty lipsticks I love that none of them get worn enough. I started just wearing lipstick at night when I’m hanging out at home in my pajamas. My boyfriend thinks it’s weird, but whatever. Every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror with killer lipstick, I feel awesome."

This is debatable. It's not all weird per se. Many women tend to wear lipstick when doing household chores such as vacuuming or making dinner (more often than they wear it out). Who has the energy to worry about what other people think of her lips? Wear it for you!

7. "I keep buying lipsticks in shades that I already own. Like, do I really need every variation of hot pink that MAC puts out? Yes."

Women with enough bottles of burgundy nail polish to paint a whole minivan would would cosign to this.

8. "Depotting feels like writing in textbooks. I know it probably is super useful but I can’t bring myself to mess with the natural order of things."

Mix-and-match palettes are a great idea in theory, but something just feels so wrong when you start playing god. After all, who wants to be the Frankenstein eyeshadows? Get a palette that's perfect enough for you to not think of changing anything.

9. "I had all my eyeshadow palettes successfully crammed into one small bento box, and then Tarte had to come along with its stupid fall palette that’s TOO WIDE and therefore has to get tucked between the wall and the bento. UGH."


10. "All 50 of my brushes are dirty so I guess I’ll go buy more."

Yep. This same logic applies to underwear (why do laundry when you can make your dresser overflow with new panties?) and hair bobby pins (why store them in a reasonable place when you can just litter them around my bathroom and buy more?).

What are your thoughts on these funny thoughts? You have some lines to share? Let your thoughts be seen in the comment section below and don't forget to share this post with family and friends on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks!

post credit: thegloss.com

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