
Santa's New Roles for Your Silicone Baking Cups This Holiday Season


Are our trusty silicone cupcake liners taking-on a new role outside the kitchen this holiday season? Well, why not? We already know what silicone cupcake liners are for. What it is made of and how it's being used in the kitchen is no rocket science. We all, at some point in our lives, have reaped the benefits on using cupcake liners for almost every occassion there is. So why not let these trusty cooking materials take a break from all the heat and batter, and switch it's role for the upcoming holiday season?

Here are fun ways you can use these silicone cupcake liners for the holiday season (other than baking duties of course):

1. Make Colorful Kids Soap  


Yes you can! Silicone muffin cups are great for moulding a lot of things most especially soap. Try making one for your family or if you feel generous enough, set aside a few to be given away as Christmas gifts for your friend's children to enjoy on holiday bath time!

2. Use as A Mise en Place


Many people use silicone baking cups as an instant substitute for a mise en place. If you happen to just discover this than thank your lucky stars as  you'll never get tired of  using them in the many food-preparation ventures of your life!

3. Replacements for Old and Boring Serving Bowls


Not only is this possible but you are allowed too! The sky is the limit when it comes to using these delightful kitchen gadgets. Replace your old and boring serving bowls and take out your silicone baking cups to present a more colorful and vibrant dish that your guests would easily grab and enjoy this holiday season.

4. Your Child's Plaything


You don't have to be gender-conscious on this one. Who could afford to be? Most especially if you are a mother with two or more toddlers running around the house. Need a quick time off to gather yourself? Colorful cupcake liners might do just the trick! And don't you worry about safety, silicone cupcake liners are not only durable but they are also safe for a teething baby.

5. Christmas Ornament


Whoever came up with the idea of using silicone baking cups as Christmas ornaments is a sheer genius! Who would have thought that these colorful baking materials could also work well on a Christmas tree? 

With that being said, what are your thoughts on taking-out these delightful baking materials and giving it a well-deserved holiday break? Well? Don't just stand there and let your silicone cups collect dust! Give these tips a try and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below!


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